Patient getting their back checked

Feel better than ever

At your initial evaluation, we will come up with a program specifically designed for your concerns and impairments. We take the time to fully investigate your problem and decide how we are going to address it. We will lay out a plan to specifically address your goals.

Our physical therapists are the best at improving your physical well being. They love helping people get back to what they once were. Our physical therapists love working here and come to work every day with a positive attitude, which makes everyone’s day better. Whatever pain you are experiencing, we assure you, we can help you with it. If you trust in our process, then there is no limit to what we can achieve together. We come into work hoping we can make a difference and someone’s life, and that is exactly what we will do.

We like to establish goals for our patients. Creating goals is a great way to get started with physical therapy. We believe the more goals you create and complete, the more confident you will be with your physical therapy. The more confident you are with your physical therapy, the more you will accomplish while you are here. We would be happy to discuss anything you have questions about before you come in. We understand how important it is to find the right physical therapist in order for you to feel comfortable. Feel free to contact us and let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Physical therapy can seem like a daunting task, so we want to make sure we get you started in the right direction.

Treatment for the following impairments (but not limited to):

Patient getting their legs checked
Customer getting physical therapy

TMJ Therapy

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) therapy is designed to focus on and address pain and dysfunction at the jaw itself. While the main focus is on the TMJ, in physical therapy, we address not only the jaw but also the surrounding musculature, neck, and even posture as these can all contribute to TMJ dysfunction.

Vestibular Therapy

Vestibular physical therapy rehab utilizes exercises and education to address dizziness and balance impairments which may also contribute to muscle fatigue and headaches. Dizziness may be a symptom of certain medical conditions that also affect your sense of balance, so we address both to return you to your prior level of function. Medical conditions such as: 

Pelvic Floor Therapy

Pelvic floor physical therapy (PFPT) is physical therapy specified to assist and improve dysfunctions or injury within the pelvic floor musculature, in both women and men. This includes:

The first thing to know is that these symptoms may be COMMON for most people however, they are not NORMAL. That being said, there are things you and a pelvic floor therapist can talk about and work on together to improve these symptoms.