Patient getting their eye checked

What is Vision Therapy?

Vision Therapy is a speciality service working under the direction of a Neuro-optometrist to re-educate the brain and eye connection by increasing your visual efficiency and visual perceptual skills. Most commonly prescribed post-concussion, vision therapy can help alleviate and/or resolve symptoms such as headaches, nausea, dizziness, blurry vision, double vision, eye strain, eye fatigue, difficulty scanning busy environments, difficulty reading and using a computer & more! In addition, Vision Therapy can be prescribed by your optometrist for developmental eye conditions in children interfering with their ability to participate in school and play effectively. 

What is visual efficiency? 

Process of effectively viewing visual input. Visual efficiency encompasses visual tracking, eye-teaming and focusing. 

Examples: skills required to read a book, transition from board to table or follow a moving object. 

What is visual perception? 

How we take in information and process it in order to make sense of it. 

Examples: discriminating between right and left, an object in the foreground or background and visual memory.

Are you experiencing any of the below symptoms?

If you answered yes to any of the above, especially before, during or after reading, contact Priority Physical Therapy today to schedule an in-depth evaluation to determine your unique needs!
Beck, C. (2022, December 8). Visual Efficiency and Vision Problems You Can Not “See.” The OT Toolbox. 
Eye and Vision Conditions. (n.d.). American Optometric Association.